Appraisal Provision in Homeowners & Commercial Policies – Perspective by John Minor, Appraiser, Umpire
Appraisal Provision in Homeowners & Commercial Policies Appraisal has been around at least since 1888 in Scottish Union & National Insurance Company v Clancy but remains a lesser-known method of…
Insurance Appraisal in Today’s World
This article discusses changes being considered for the appraisal process under Florida Senate Bill 336. It also discusses rules currently in place in Colorado under the Dora Act and licensing by the Louisiana Department of Insurance.
Property Claims Appraisal/ Umpire Licensure – Florida Senate Bill 336
It appears we may just finally have some some more Wyatt Earp in place of Billy the Kid in the appraisal industry. Gentlemen and Ladies, check your guns at the…
Coastal Construction & The Rising Costs or Flooding
Coastal Construction – Best PracticesWith sea levels rising by some reports an inch per decade and the prediction of stronger hurricanes, today’s aging building stock is at risk. In addition…
New York bill will allow property appraisal to determine “scope of loss”
A new bill passed in the New York State legislature has expanded property claims appraisals in order to help property owners avoid litigation in the event of a loss. Bill…
Proof of Loss Deadline
As a lifelong coastal resident, I have dedicated my career to the understanding of coastal structures, weather and, unfortunately, the loss claims that all-too-often follow our piece of paradise. To…
What to do After a Flood – Expert advice from the field – John Minor CGC, CFM
The flood damage to homes and businesses in northwest Florida has been devastating. Although these are stressful times for residents, Complete, Inc. works with property owners, property managers, attorneys, and municipalities after…
Biggert-Waters: Take 2 Update Summer 2012 – John Minor CFM
Congress recently cleared a major hurdle in an effort to provide thousands of property owners in Florida and other states relief from skyrocketing flood insurance premiums, moving to reign in…
What to Know About the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012
Flood insurance has been a staple of development since 1968. There are more than 20,200 communities, and as of June 30, 2011, the program had nearly 5.6 million policies in force with a total insured value of $1.246 trillion.
Biggert–Waters Act Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (BW-12)
Flood insurance has been a staple of development since 1968 when it was created by the Federal Government. The policy is underwritten by the American people and managed by FEMA…
Steps to Getting Ahead of Builder Liability Claims
Builder liability claims are an interesting part of the expert business that is handled very differently from state to state depending on statute. The concept is relatively simple you start with…
Hurricane Sandy: Here We Go Again
Hurricane Sandy hit the Jersey shore and then wrapped around through the state of New York affecting West Virginia, as well as parts of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The storm came…
2012 First Party Claims Conference
I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone up to the First Party Claims Conference to be held in Warwick, Rhode Island next to beautiful Providence. This year’s…
Hurricane Isaac and John Minor
As the Southeast coastal region begins the process of cleaning up after Hurricane Isaac, we are reminded of just how detrimental even a Category 1 hurricane can be. These powerful…
Hurricane Research with John Minor
It was my distinct pleasure to attend a steering committee meeting at what I see to be the finest building materials research facility in the world just south of Charlotte,…
Tropical Storm Debby
With the storms aligning across the Atlantic, one should evaluate to what degree a storm can impact an area. As Ernesto bends towards Mexico and Florence diminishes, the perils of…
Post Tornado Plan of Action
The tornado season of 2012 is underway and already it has been active. Numerous reported tornadoes hit throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex on April 3, 2012 not to mention the…
Last House Standing – John Minor on DIY TV
To that end, we were pleased to be invited by the Do It Yourself [DIY] network to be included in a program titled the Last House Standing. We were a small part of this hour long program that is hosted by Kayleen McCabe. It was a sincere pleasure to make a friend and work with Kayleen as we fortified a home in Tampa.