Expert Witness Services

When you need competent and experienced expert witness services for resolving insurance claims disputes, call Team Complete. Our decades of experience working in the field means we have the knowledge to provide thorough documentation and testimony.

Construction Defect

Construction defect claims have become more and more prevalent over the last 20-30 years for a number of reasons.

Building Code

Building Codes have been in existence since 1750 B.C. providing for requirements for construction methods.

Cost & Contract Analysis

Complete provides expert witness testimony on conflicts over construction contract costs and terms.

Delay & Extra Work

A form of economic loss typically associated with a variety of issues during the construction of new commercial properties.

Fire Damage

Fire damage to a home or commercial building presents one of the most challenging claims that can occur.

Flood Damage

Flood is water damage, but the type of loss can be very different depending on the type of flooding a property receives.

Hail Damage

Hailstorms vary greatly in their effects, and have been known to cause between $500 and one billion dollars worth of damage.

Hurricane Damage

Complete specializes in hurricane damage assessment, forensic engineering and large loss complex claim disputes.

Land Use

The challenges associated with land use can make or break successful development before the first shovel breaks ground.

Personal Injury

Personal injury claims often involve a careful review of the relevant codes and assessing modifications and maintenance.


RCV vs. ACV involves determining the actual cash value of a building component or contents during adjustment or appraisal.

Tornado Damage

Tornado damage to structures and property presents a host of challenges in appraisal and resolving claims in mediation.

Water Damage

Water damage is at the root of many different types of losses and is prevalent in many types of claims and restoration.

Wind Damage

The signs of wind damage may vary from storm to storm and by building type. Knowing the right test to conduct is crucial.

Termite Damage

Water intrusion parallels termite damage. The interdependencies between the termites and a water source add complexity to issues.

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