Florida Building Safety Act Pro Tips Series

Pro Tips 2 “Experience Matters”


Experience Matters

We understand that there is some confusion and anxiety surrounding the Florida Building Safety Act and how to implement a successful management plan that is compliant with the new law.

We understand that the assumptions used, and the decisions made during this process will affect the financial health of your association and your property values for many years to come.

Now is the time to pay for Quality. The kind of quality that only comes from experience and performance. There is just too much at stake.

At Team Complete we have Florida certified professional engineers who are supported by estimate writers, licensed general contractors, code specialists, and a Florida licensed CAM to help your association, fulfill its statutory requirements while developing a proactive property management program.

Our experts work in the Florida coastal environment on coastal buildings. We work with real replacement and repair costs every day.

We understand your buildings and what it costs to maintain and to repair them. We even know what it cost to replace them.

We have been working in the Florida built environment for over 25 years.

Team Complete is a natural fit to provide structural integrity reserve studies, and milestone inspections. We are building consultants, and we understand condominium associations.


Let’s take a moment to talk about what happens when a professional engineer stamps one of these required reports.

At this point, there is a transference of liability from the association onto the professional engineer. If your engineer isn’t experienced with your climate and Florida construction, they will err on the side of caution. An inexperience engineer can easily mistake a 30’ cosmetic crack for a structural issue.

Our Professional Engineers can comfortably tell the difference between a cosmetic crack and a structural issue.

Team Complete has a proven history of providing industry-leading expertise for clients in South Florida and the Gulf Coast including areas of Punta Gorda, Miami, Pompano Beach, Palm Beach, Naples and Port Charlotte.

For a full breakdown of the FL Building Safety Act

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